18ème Conference Internationale RAMIRAN 2023

RAMIRAN "Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture Network" 2023, le thème est "Managing organic resources in a changing environment " - les recherches d'OPAALE y sont fortement représentées

A Cambridge, du 12 au 14 septembre 2023, 7 présentations des recherches d’OPAALE

Session - Treatment and Processing Technologies

- Study of biodegradable plastics in anaerobic digestion   

Pascal PEU
- Performance evaluation of a large scale two stages agricultural biogas plant, coupling fermentation and anaerobic digestion

Patrick DABERT
- Impact of several food waste overloads on the microbial community structure of a pig slurry mesophilic anaerobic digester

Anne-marie POURCHER
-Impact of post-treatments on the sanitary quality of digestates from three agricultural biogas plants

-In situ quantification of methane leaks from 15 biogas facilities in France using an Optical Gas Imaging camera and a “flow-estimator” model

Laurence LOYON
-The use of public data to target additional spatialized measures to reduce nitrate pollution of surface water: the case of Brittany (France)

-Biochar action on nitrogen cycle along composting: a key to reduce nitrogen emissions Anne Tremier